Beef Eater Pink Gin Price Compare

Calling all Ladies, and of course us real men who only drink girly drinks anyway. It's PARTY TIME! I wanted to get this review post out to you all for the best pink Gin, hurrah I hear you cry (or slur). Which leads me nicely straight into a question for you girls.

Who the heck said that the ladies can have all the fun drinks? Unless my tipple has some fancy garnish, or is pink, lit up with fireworks, or at least has a glow-in-the-dark umbrella, it's just not fun.

A Brief History of Pink Gin

A Brief History of Pink Gin
HMS Calcutta 1831 at Portsmouth, England.

So how did Pink Gin come about? I am so glad you asked.

Pink Gin was thought to be initially concocted by the lovely folk serving with the Royal Navy in the mid to late 1800's. News of this fun and rather fashionable new bevvy went out to the bars and taverns in Portsmouth, London, and the rest of England.

Pink Gin contains Gin (go figure!) and Angostura bitters, citrus, berries, that give it its pink hue, and bittersweet flavour.

You can check out the full history of Pink Gin, or continue straight to the nitty gritty and find The Gin Geeks best Pink Gin that you might fancy trying.

7 Best Pink Gin's

Here we have the 7 best Pink Gins ready to doggedly fight it out to declare one winner. It's a bit like The Hunger Games but with Gin, and no annoying kids. These are in order of my preference, so without further ado, lets check out number 7 of this 'Top of the Pink Gin Charts'. -Such a catchy title.

07. Gordon's Premium Pink

  • Price Range – £20 – £25
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 37.5%
  • Country – England
Gordon's Premium Pink
Gordons Premium Pink Gin

OK, in at number 7 is Gordon's Premium Pink. Tasted more like a strong strawberry Vodka than a Gin in my humble opinion. You can indeed taste the berries, although a tad strong considering its only 37.5% ABV, but hey, sometimes stronger is what you need. Still a great beverage to get you in the party mood.

The Bottle

Beautiful bottle, seductive colour, and excellent distillers heritage.


Juniper, raspberries and strawberries.

A bit of Trivia

Gordon's is still the worlds number one selling Gin distiller.

Best Served

Gordon's Premium Pink Gin with ice, a quality tonic water, plus some raspberries to garnish.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Gordon's Pink Gin at (UK)

06. Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink

  • Price Range – £20 – £25
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 40%
  • Country – London, England
Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink
Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink Gin

The Gin

In at number 6, we have Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink Gin, it's a smooth and clean Gin with floral undertones, then finally a delicate hint of spice.

The Bottle

Of course the first thing you will notice is its not actually pink! (Well the Victorians did live in black and white so I guess so probably struggled with the concept of colour). Traditional Victorian style bottle complete with cork, and well designed label. Would make a great gift or simply bring along to a party.


Juniper, lemon peel, Seville orange peel, coriander, & anise.

A bit of Trivia

Produced by an 8th generation London distiller.

Best Served

Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink Gin with ice, tonic water, a couple of strawberries, and perhaps a dash of Prosecco.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Buy Edgerton Original Pink Gin at (UK)

05. Rives Premium Pink Gin

  • P rice Range – £25 – £30
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 37.5%
  • Country – Spain
Rives Premium Pink Gin
Rives Pink Gin

The Gin

Rives comes in at number 5 and they certainly have produced a extremely high quality handmade strawberry flavoured Gin. Selecting the best strawberries from the Spanish port of Huelva for sublime freshness. As with all Pink Gin's, this is a fabulous and fun drink well suited for the summer, or parties, (or summer parties!).

The Bottle

Sedate bottle with lovely pink hue.


Juniper Berries, Strawberry

A bit of Trivia

You can add a dash of Prosecco if you are feeling very, very naughty.

Best Served

Rives Pink Gin with ice, tonic water or lemonade, plus a couple of strawberries.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Rives Premium Pink Gin at (UK)

04. Manchester Raspberry Infused Gin

  • Price Range – £20 – £25
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 37.5%
  • Country – England
Manchester Raspberry Infused Gin
Manchester Raspberry Infused Gin

The Gin

Number 4 is a marvelous gin that is clean and concise. Initially you experience a light juniper, followed by both citrus zest and raspberry, with a hint of the dandelion & burdock.

The Bottle

My favourite bottle design, ooses understated class. If this bottle was a Hollywood star would be George Clooney (now, not when he was in ER) or Audrey Hepburn.


Juniper, Raspberries, Orange, Lemon, Dandelion & Burdock Root

A bit of Trivia

The Bee (seen on the bottle) is a symbol of Manchester during the Industrial Revolution as it embodied the work-ethic of Mancunians.

Best Served

Manchester Raspberry Gin with ice, Indian tonic water, and a few raspberries and a sprig of mint.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Manchester Raspberry Infused Gin (UK)

03. Edgerton Original Pink Gin

  • Price Range – £25 – £30
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 43%
  • Country – England
Edgerton Original Pink Gin
Edgerton Original Punk Gin

The Gin

In 3rd place is the rather outstanding Edgerton Original Pink Gin. A crisp and clean Gin releasing citrus flavour sweet orange, lemon, with juniper and pomegranate after tones.

The Bottle

Appealing recently redesigned bottle is easy on the eye, particularly due to the alluring colour of the Gin itself.


Juniper, sweet orange peel, angelica, coriander, grains of paradise, damaina, orris, savory, casia bark, nutmeg, liquorice, almond, cinnamon, pomegranate, lemon peel.

A bit of Trivia

It gets its lovely pink hue from pomegranate extract.

Best Served

Edgerton Original Pink Gin is best served with ice, raspberries, a slice of pomegranate, and tonic water.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Edgerton Original Pink Gin at (UK)

02. Chase Pink Grapefruit and Pomelo Gin

  • Price Range – £25 – £30
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 40%
  • Country – England
Chase Pink Grapefruit and Pomelo Gin
Chase Pink Grapefruit & Pomelo Gin

The Gin

In 2nd place is this magnificent pale pink crisp and zesty premium pink Gin from Chase. So smooth you could drink it neat. (Heck to that though, if I am drinking Pink Gin I want a quality tonic, fancy garnish, and possibly a miniature umbrella thrown in).

The Bottle

Discreet squat bottle with delicate use of the labeling, which is both classy and timeless.


Juniper, Grapefruit, Pomelo, orange peel, liquorice, elderflower and bitter almond

A Bit of Trivia

This Pink Grapefruit and Pomelo Gin is produced by copper pot distilling in the UK with a number of botanicals including pink grapefruit and pomelo peels.

Best Served

Chase Pink Grapefruit with ice, tonic water, and of course a wedge of grapefruit (I prefer just the peel).

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Chase Pink Grapefruit at (UK)

01. Gin 1689 Dutch Pink Gin

  • Price Range – £35 – £40
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV) – 38.5%
  • Country – Netherlands
Gin 1689 Dutch Pink Gin
Gin 1689 Pink Gin – Queen Mary Edition

The Gin

In 1st place, and deservedly so, is this fabulous Queen Mary Edition of pink gin from Gin 1689. This modern tasting gin interestingly follows a 350 year old recipe of 'The distiller of London'

This Dutch pink gin opens with sweet strawberry raspberry. Mid-palate reveals crisp juniper, apple and sweet quince, followed by zesty lemon and orange. The finish is long and slightly spiced with aniseed and hints of cloves and nutmeg.

The Bottle

Presentation is excellent. The glass of the deep red bottle has an almost a sand-blasted feel. The eye-catching 1689 numbering written on the front really stands out, and the gold coloured cap and cork stopper is a lovely finishing touch.


Juniper, Quince, Pippin, Lemon, Orange, Nutmeg, Aniseed, Cloves. After distillation strawberry and raspberry are then added.

A Bit of Trivia

Not only is this the best pink gin on our list, it's also the first ever Dutch Pink Gin. Named after the wife of King William of Orange III, Gin 1689's Queen Mary Edition was launched in 2020.

Best Served

Gin 1689 Pink Gin Queen Mary Edition is best served over ice, with a quality indian tonic water and a handful of blackcurrants.

Where Best to Buy

You can check out prices, customer reviews, plus order online.

Gin 1689 Pink Gin – Queen Mary Edition (UK)

The Winner of the Pinks

So there you have it, Gin 1689 Pink Gin Queen Mary Edition is the winner of The Drink Geeks best Pink Gins. I must confess it was a very close call between each and every one of these fine specimens. Pink Gin is a great party drink, summer drink, holiday drink, that I am sure you will enjoy the odd cheeky glass or three.

Life tips from The Gin Geek

Two for the price of two, today!

  1. Don't cry over spilt milk, it could have been Gin!
  2. When life gives you lemons, make a Gin and Tonic!

Well I hope you enjoyed this very 'Pink' review as much as I enjoyed drinking (I mean tasting) each Pink Gin for 'review purposes' (the things I do for you guys). Please leave any Pink Gin suggestions, comments, words of wisdom that you may have in the comments area below.

Further Reading

Below are some other Gin Geek posts you may find interesting.

Top 10 Best Gins

Top Scottish Gins – 7 Fab Gins Reviewed

10 Best Gins To Try In 2020

Best Tonic Water for Gin and Tonic


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